Wednesday, September 22, 2010

arm cancer

***** DISCLAIMER***** to the best of my knowlege (and I'm only a nursing student, not an ACTUAL MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL) there is no such thing as "arm cancer". There are types of cancer that can be located on the arm (skin cancer and some others I can't remember of the top of my fried brain), but no actual arm cancer.

That being said, I have arm cancer. Before you freak out and wonder how many rounds of chemo my hair will survive (all of them I'm sure, it refuses to ever do what it's "supposed to"), I'm pretty sure what I have is an irration caused cyst-like thing.
It's gross. End of story. There's a hard lump of god-only-knows-what on my arm. And of course, its in an area I can't get at. It's not quite on the underside of my arm, It's like kinda half-way on my back and under the part of my arm that connects to my back, but kinda on the side. The only way to get a good look at is is to put my arm over my head and look in the mirror. It's kinda like that spot on your back that no matter how hard you try and get at, you just can't for the life of you scratch. And that spot ALWAYS itches.
Well, the mystery lump isn't itchy. It hurts like hell. But I'm fairly certain that it's just a cyst. A little bit of something that made its way deep into a pore or something and managed to get infected and is now causing all this drama. But...
BUUUUTTTTTT.... the best part about the arm cancer....
yeah, people honestly DONT know that there's no such thing. Hence the disclaimer. I thought I was being funny and put up a post about it on facebook. Immediately got like 12 mail messages asking if I was ok, and how advanced it was. Would I be ok? Would it hurt? Did I have a biopsy yet? What was my prognosis?
Only ONE friend actually got the joke and asked if it was a zit or something. ONE. And I have DOZENS of medical professionals and students on my friends. <sigh>
But, it's probably a spider bite anyways, they're out to get me, you know.

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