Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I just realized that my first 2 posts were about gross stuff on my body. I'm NOT the medical freak you think I am. I'm really not. Lots of other funny stuff happens to me. I just don't want to post it all right away. I think that if I do that, then the funny stuff will stop happening....
Although, a recent trip to the TCC bookstore has busted that theory.
So I went to the book store to buy the books for my nursing classes this quarter. I have to buy like 100 bazillion books. And they cost more than the GDP of many 3rd world nations. Ok, this quarter it was only 3 books for about $300. But, still, I already HAVE 15 books from last quarter that cost me nearly $2000. I'm not kidding. So, anyways, I went to the store to get these books. And one of them has been rumored to be ginormous. Its so big; the last one I saw from a student a quarter ahead of me was like 6" thick. Serious.
So I walk up to the counter with 2 fellow students, and we're chattering away about books and clinical and the like... And the poor kid who's trying to find this book can't.
And he finally finds mine. The other guys already have theirs, so they go on and grab the couple things they need and head out. Bookstore guy comes back to me with a box. No, really. A box.
So, I ask him "what's that?"
"You're book"
"Nooooo, my book is big, huge actually, and red. And black. And it's a book. Not a box"
"This is the book. It's a set this year"
"Ok, so what happens if I open the box and it's the wrong book?"
"It isn't"
"But what if it is?"
"It isn't"
"But if it IS... Can I return it?"
"Not if the box is opened."
(you see my dilema here I'm sure~ the box is neither clear, nor has a window, nor comes with a covenient sticker from the manufacturer. It's just got written in sharpie the name of the book that's SUPPOSED to be in it. No one has opened the box. Ever. Not even the book store. For all I know there could be like 17 MATH100 books in there~ That's how my luck runs right?)
"Well, can YOU open the box?"
"Why not?"
"Because we can't"
"Well that's stupid. If it's the RIGHT book, I'll buy it. But I just want to make sure. I mean I don't wanna spend $130 just to go home and find out its the wrong one, and not be able to bring it back"
"Wow, Really? Do you have a manager or someone? I mean... "
*he points to a very squirrely looking lady on the phone*
"She's right here"
"Excellent. Can you please open the box for me? I'm not trying to be a pain in the ass, but since it's non-refundable once the box is opened, I'd just like to make sure that the box contains the right book"
*glaring from squirrel on phone*
(note the use of the word please. I only use this when things are getting desperate and no one is listening to reason)
Five employees now manage to surround the desk to debate how best to handle the situation. People are staring. Surprisingly, not at me, at them. Like they are stupid. I feel like some sort of folk hero for standing up to the buearocracy and stupidity of college bookstore return policies. After debating amongst themselves, the squirrel looks over, sees 7 of her employees gathered around a box, hands the most senior-looking one of them a box cutter and says "Just open the damn box".
I win.

***  it was the right book. but still. it's the principle.

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